Textbook of Running Medicine

In the years since the late physician George Sheehan began to celebrate virtues and values of his much loved sport in classic guides such as ”Dr. Sheehan on Running”, the doctor's favorite athletic activity has only grown in popularity. Now practiced by approximately thirty million people in the United States alone, running is not only a source of improved fitness for about one-tenth of the population, it is also one of the most common cause of injury presented to clinicians. Yet this is the first book to offer in-depth clinical coverage of the medical needs of runners. Supplanting the scattered and often imprecise information found in orthopedics manuals and general sports medicine texts, this authoritative and expert-authored medical resource, in its almost seven hundreds pages, features the most extensive source of running-injury management expertise to be found anywhere. Also offers details on running-injury commonalities, diagnosis and treatment; in-depth coverage of injuries most often incurred in specific types of running such as sprinting and marathoning; rehabilitation guidelines; surgical considerations; coverage of running-injury-related medical problems; valued strategies to help patients continue running and training during recovery; injury-prevention regimens and tips that can also help trainers, coaches, and runners themselves. This valuable publication by Francis G. O'Connor and Robert P. Wilder is illustrated by more than 150 exceptionally informative line drawings and photographs.

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