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Aerobic is a technical word which literally means with air (where “air” is generally used to mean oxygen), as opposed to anaerobic.

Aerobic exercise refers to exercise that is of moderate intensity, undertaken for a long duration. Aerobic means “with oxygen”, and refers to the use of oxygen in a muscle's energy-generating process. Many types of exercise are aerobic, and by definition are performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time.

An effective aerobic exercise should involve 5-10 minutes of warming up at an intensity of 50-60% of maximum heart rate, followed by at least 20 minutes of exercise at an intensity of 70-80% of maximum heart rate, ending with 5-10 minutes of cooling down at an intensity of 50-60% of maximum heart rate.

terminology/aerobic.txt · Last modified: 2007/09/02 11:53 by worldwidwiki