






Tips for beginning runners

The most important point to remember for beginners is to start slowly. If you start an intense running regime without a gradual build up, your body will be rebel and you are more likely to suffer from a running injury. Do not skip any of the sections of the running program, sometimes beginners become impatient and try to speed up the process of adjusting the body to running. However, if you find the routine too hard than you can slow down each section and even repeat the section until you feel you are ready.


Make sure you have correct running shoes and also a decent running watch. Measuring time/distance is essential to monitor your progress. It is imperative that you stretch your muscles and do a warm up jog or walk. Many beginners forget to stretch before and after to prevent injury. Drink plenty of water before and after you run, it may also help to have a carbohydrate drink while you run to give you more energy.

Running Programme

Each session should take about 20 or 40 minutes, three times a week:

Week 1 - Brisk walk to warm up. Alternate 60 second jogging than 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes.

Week 2 - As above, but for 30 minutes.

Week 3 - Brisk 5 minute walk to warm up. Repetition of the following: jog 200 yards (approximately 90 seconds), walk 200 yards (approximately 90 seconds), jog 400 yards (approximately 3 minutes), walk 400 yards (approximately 3 minutes).

Week 4 - Brisk 5 minute walk to warm up. Repetition of the following: jog 1/4 mile (approximately 3 minutes), walk 1/8 mile (approximately 90 seconds), jog 1/2 mile (approximately 5 minutes), walk 1/4 mile (approximately 3 minutes), jog 1/4 mile (approximately 3 minutes), walk 1/8 mile (approximately 90 seconds), jog 1/2 mile (approximately 5 minutes).

Week 5 - Brisk 5 minute walk to warm up. Repetition of the following: jog 1/2 mile (approximately 5 minutes), walk 1/4 mile (approximately 3 minutes), jog 1/2 mile (approximately 5 minutes), walk 1/2 mile (approximately 5 minutes), jog 1/2 mile (approximately 5 minutes).

Week 6 - Brisk 5 minute walk to warm up. Repetition of the following: jog 1/2 mile (approximately 5 minutes), walk 1/4 mile (approximately 3 minutes), jog 3/4 mile (approximately 5 minutes), walk 1/4 mile (approximately 3 minutes), jog 1/2 mile (approximately 10 minutes).

Week 7 - Brisk 5 minute walk to warm up. Repetition of the following: jog 2.5 mile (approximately 25 minutes).

Week 8 - Brisk 5 minute walk to warm up. Repetition of the following: jog 2.75 mile (approximately 28 minutes).

Week 9 - Congratulations, you made it this far! Brisk 5 minute walk to warm up. Repetition of the following: jog 3 mile (approximately 30 minutes).

Credits - would like to thank the website Runners Rescue ( for the permission to reprint the article "Beginner Runner". Runners Rescue is a site for the thousands of runners, joggers, and walkers who are not concerned with how fast they can finish a race but who want to run without injury and enjoy it.

Since September 7, 2007 - © Aerostato, Seattle - All Rights Reserved.

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