You run this website. Write it, change it, read it! |








You run this website. Write it, change it, read it!

How to contribute to is open to any runner, and anyone can contribute to expand its content. Contributing is very easy. Simply register and login and start adding text, findings, articles, events, images and running-related information to this worldwide database created and managed by runners for all runners.

  • If you want to play around before creating or modifying any webpage, feel free to use the playground webpage.
  • Look at the syntax page to see how formatting and linking works.

How to edit an existing webpage

  • Login and go to the page you want to edit.
  • Click on the Edit this page button at the bottom of the page. Note: some of the pages may be locked (no changes allowed).
  • Enter your changes to the page.
  • Click on the Preview button to see the changes you have made (this will not save your changes).
  • Click on the Save button to save your changes.

How to create a new webpage

  • Login, then look at an existing page to get a sense for the look and feel, and the naming convention.
  • In your browser URL enter the address

followed by section:pagename, for example:

This will prompt you to create a new page in the section you chose (in this case the page about “My Race” in the section dedicated to “Races”). behind the scenes has been created using DokuWiki, which is a standards-compliant, easy-to-use Wiki. All documentation and additional information, inclunding a comprehensive manual, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and a useful glossary is maintained by DokuWiki at

Comments? Suggestions?

Feel free to contact us at

wiki/how_to_contribute.txt · Last modified: 2009/07/18 11:03 by worldwidwiki