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 How to choose the right half marathon for you - With literally hundreds and hundreds of half marathon races across the country and around the world to choose from, how do you pick the one to run that is right for you, particularly if you are a beginner? For most people, the answer is most likely driven by their work and vacation schedules, but it is a good idea to consider as wide a selection of possible choices before committing to a race.
 Street smart running - One of the attractions of taking up running is that all it takes is a pair of trainers, some stretching exercises and your course lies beyond the front-door step. However, while running the streets is a cheap and very convenient way to embark on training, the very fact that they are so accessible can lead to certain safety issues arising.
 Hotel running maps - As running becomes more and more popular, everywhere in the world hotels and hostels, inns and motels, resorts and lodgings are discovering that providing their guests with jogging maps of suggested courses around the block, is an appreciated feature. Here is a collection of useful hotel running maps from all over the world.
 Ultrarunning with your dog - Many runners run with their dog, however some precautions need to be taken when participating to ultramarathons. Here are some helpful suggestions to bring your dog running long distances along with you.
 Why is the half marathon so popular? - In recent years, there has been an explosion of half marathon races across the United States. Why has the half marathon increased in participation? Here are some thoughts.
 Foot care tips for marathoners - No one attempts a marathon without proper training and conditioning, but conditioning means more than getting your body in the optimal form. It also means getting your feet into the best shape possible for running such a distance. Here are some expert foot care tips for marathoners.
 How anyone can train for a walking marathon - A marathon sounds intimidating, but that only makes the possibility of completing one all the more attractive, and impressive. You do not have to be an athlete to train for, and complete, a marathon. You can even be overweight, out-of-shape, and an all-around couch potato. All you need is determination and the will to stick to your training program.
 How to make a running costume - Here is a quick and handy guide on building yourself a fun and maybe even an award winning running costume that should help you enjoy the sport of costume running, get some laughs and end up a picture or two.
 Build your own pace computer - Cut and build your own pace calculator, then just set the number of feet you want to go and read off the number of your paces needed to go that distance.
 Running etiquette - Whether you are running on a track, a treadmill or on the road, the number one consideration should always be courtesy. You wouldn't think of invading someone's personal space in everyday life, so just because you are wearing your exercise gear and a pair of shoes, why should things be any different?
 Costly marathons - It's hard to imagine now, but it wasn't that long ago runners did not even receive a T-shirt when they signed up to enter a race. Now T-shirts, as well as other options are part of the running experience. It's a business and a big one.
  Love can get you motivated to run - After slacking off for most of the Winter, I seem to have found my runner's legs in the Spring thaw. Yes, the warm, beautiful weather does make running more enticing, but tonight, I used another weapon to inspire me to exercise... love. Tell someone whose opinion you value that you are going for a run.
  Duct tape for runners - Known for its durability, strength and versatility, duct tape is reliable in rugged conditions. Whether you are running cross country or around the block, duct tape can offer quick solutions for runners in sticky situations.
  Trail running basics - A trail run offers twists and turns, rocks, trees, branches, mud, snow, up hills and the down hills, and altitude changes. Although these are hazards to be aware of, they also contribute to making running trails so much fun. This article gives you the basics to get started and have an enjoyable trail run.
 How to run more and spend less - You run to feel free. You run to release stress. You run to simplify. How much are you willing to pay to run? Many spend thousands, even though running can be one of the most affordable sports. Spending more means working more. Working more means running less.

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